Electrical maintenance

Electrical maintenance is the solution when you need expert help in any application. We offer installation or programming of products or related technical advice.

Lapp Automaatio offers equipment configurations and maintenance services. Configurations of signal converters, calibrations of temperature sensors and temperature transmitters. Also modifications of radio control devices according to customer needs. Modifications and repairs of radio control devices are the most common tasks done by our service unit.

When sending products for service or repair:

  1. Ask for the serial number for the shipment from your dealer or service
  2. fill in the claim/repair cover letter (pdf) as accurately as possible
  3. attach a copy of the filled maintenance document to the consignment
  4. mark the Lapp claim/repair number clearly over the package
  5. shipping address for maintenance:

    Lapp Automaatio Oy

    Maintenance, Lapp claim/repair number: ___

    Varastokatu 10

    FI-05800 Hyvinkää

    Your contact's at our Electrical Maintenance:

    Service Manager

    Petri Haikarainen

    p. +358 20 764 8334

    Service Mechanic

    Marko Pitkäaho

    p. +358 20 764 8335
  6. Please contact our sales for more information at Contacts

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ota yhteyttä!

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020 764 6410


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020 764 6420
